Monday, January 1, 2024

Starting All Over Again in the New Year - with One Big, Unexpected Hindrance

 Happy new year!

 As you may or may not have noticed, and as I myself barely noticed, I haven't posted on this blog since May. I was too busy with my sweet new romance, and feeling discouraged about the current children's book marketplace, and trying to decide whether I would ever write another book again, and then finally falling in love with a new book idea and spending the rest of the year happily scribbling away in my upstairs writing nook on my hour a day of writing bliss.

 But now it's the new year, and I was filled with plans for starting all over again with every once-beloved activity under the sun. Blogging again! Teaching an online course for the graduate programs in children's literature at Hollins University! Working with my mentees through the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators! And revising my beautiful book to share with my writing group and then with my agent and editor. I could hardly wait for the new year to begin!

 Alas, two days before Christmas, I was off to the grocery store with my two little granddaughters, and one of them was leaping and bounding with wild, uninhibited joy for the coming holidays, when she leaped and bounded so exuberantly that I tripped over her and fell hard onto the parking lot of King Soopers. “Are you okay?” a concerned stranger asked me. “No!” I wailed. Because I wasn't. He helped me up, both my grown sons were summoned, I was off to urgent care, and it turned out to be a broken elbow, with surgery now scheduled for this coming Thursday.

 What is to become of all my cherished plans? How can I type with one arm in a sling? Thank goodness it is my left elbow and not my right, but it is much harder than I realized to accomplish the tasks of daily life with only one good arm. Adjustments will need to be made. In fact, I am composing this right now, as an experiment, using the dictation feature on my laptop. Somehow this will all work out, right? So many of my friends have had similar surgeries, and they have survived. I suspect I will, too.

 At least I am writing this blog post today, just as I promised myself I would do. So I'm counting this as an auspicious start to the challenging first month of this new year.

 Wishing all of you health and happiness, and avoidance of unpleasant encounters with gravity, in 2024!



  1. Oh, what a bummer! I hope the surgery goes well, and your recovery is as quick as possible.

  2. I know how difficult having a broken bone that requires surgery is, and I wish you a speedy recovery. I’m so sorry this happened to you.

    1. Thank you! I am gobbling up all the good wishes I can get!

  3. Dear Claudia—I’m glad your life in writing and love is going well despite the elbow mishap! Happy new year!🎈

  4. Oh goodness Claudia ! I pray for a successful surgery and a recovery without any complications!

  5. I hope you heal quickly and can return to all of your beloved projects. Like the others, I love reading your blog.

    1. Thanks, Lisa! It felt so good to be writing it again!

  6. I, too will pray for a successful surgery, and I look forward to someday reading your new book .I broke my elbow last January and typing seemed impossible, but it worked out that I could type much sooner than I had thought. I hope it's the same for you.

    1. Thanks for this encouragement! I have heard that elbow woes are easier to recover from than shoulders, knees, or hips!

  7. Lifting you up in prayer for surgery and your recovery!

  8. Happy to hear your writing is going well again but sorry about your elbow! Heal well, and I will look forward to blog posts again when you're able.

    1. Thanks, Pam! I will do all I can to heal! And it feels so good to be blogging again.

  9. oh Claudia, thank you for checking in. Sending healing thoughts!

    1. Thank you, dear Lisa. I know you are no stranger to the need for healing thoughts....

  10. Dearest Claudia you are amazing and you can get over any hurdle. That comes your way. Hugs and well wishes to you my friend

    1. Thank you! I will hold on tight to these encouraging words!

  11. Oh dear! Hope you have a quick recovery and meanwhile Happy New Year!

  12. Oh, Claudia, I am so sorry to hear about your accident. My prayers are with you for a successful surgery and for your quick healing and recovery.

    1. Thank you, dear Rhea. Your prayers will be extra good ones!!
